Worship Service Teams


Tech Booth Team

1-2 Person each Service

Control the soundboard or run the video slides for the liturgy.

Tech Booth Team Lead
Dcn. Blake Plympton

Acolyte Team

1 Person each Service

Assist the clergy in the worship service by lighting the Candles, carrying the cross, and assisting with Holy Communion.

Acolyte Team Lead
Harry Stanford

Sacristan Team

2-4 people each Service

Prepare Holy Communion for worship and clean-up afterwards, and prepare sanctuary banners and candles for worship.

Sacristan Team Lead
Gayle Belshe

Lector Team

1 pERSON each Service

Read the Scripture Lessons, lead the Prayers of the People, and serve the wine at Holy Communion.

Lector Team Lead
Robert Polen

Greeter/Usher Team

2-4 PEOPLE each Service

Welcome people when they arrive, assist visitors who might have questions, and serve as an usher during Holy Communion.

Greeter/Usher Team Lead
Judy Theung

Intercessor Team

2 People each Service

Pray for people and anoint them for healing during Holy Communion. Intercessors must be authorized by Fr. Peter.

Intercessor Team Lead
Karin Crawford

Hospitality Team

2-4 PEOPLE each Service

Prepare drinks and a hospitable environment so that people can fellowship at the end of each worship service.

Hospitality Team Lead
Monica Baltz

Worship Team

vocalists, pianists/keyboardists, guitarists, bassists, percussionists

Help lead the congregation in worship through music and singing.

Worship Team Lead
Brittany McFadden